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Express Entertainment Productions Home Sweet 16 Mitzvahs Corporate Staff Gallery Podcasts Contact Demo Production Party Planning Additional Services Testimonials Client Login Affiliates Express Entertainment Productions


A Higher Level Of Entertainment

Express Entertainment brings over twenty years of experience to every Sweet 16, Bar Mitzvah and Corporate event. We are proud members of the N.A.M.E organization and are fully licensed and insured. Currently we have offices in New Jersey (Marlboro & Freehold Areas) and New York.

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Our professionalism and customer services is unmatched by any company in the entertainment industry. Our staff will work closely with every customer to ensure your events success. No matter the size of your party, everyone deserves excellence. That is what Express Entertainment is all about.

To ensure and guarantee an event of fun filled excitement made to perfection by you the customer. You select from custom packages or an al la carte price list to create the party of your dreams.

Express Entertainment is one of the tri-state areas top disc jockey companies. Come see for yourself, visit any one of our many showcases or affairs. We can also furnish you with references and demonstration CDs.

Whatever the case we make every party an affair to remember.

CLICK HERE - To View Our Demo Video


Express Entertainment Is Looking For Talent

Express Entertainment is now looking for EXPERIENCED DJs, Emcees, Dancers, Light and Video Technicians.

If you have what it takes, then give us a call: 732.970.7195

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