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Vancouver Island bed & breakfasts, British Columbia bed & breakfasts and Canadian B&Bs. Ships Point Inn is a secluded bayside bed & breakfast located at Fanny Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia.



7584 Ships Point Road
Station 39-C27
Fanny Bay, B.C. V0R-1W0

Tel: 250.335.1004
Fax: 250.335.1014

Ships Point Inn is a secluded hideaway at the water's edge of Fanny Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Pristine forest and shore are just steps from the door at this enchanting inn a perfect destination for your relaxing getaway or romantic weekend.

Ships Point Inn sits at the tip of historic Ships Point, sequestered by a stand of towering cedars and nestled among glorious English gardens. The Inn offers six distinctively appointed guest rooms, each with a spectacular bay view, ensuite bathroom, and world-class amenities.

Quiet tranquility and gentle pampering are bywords at Ships Point Inn, and - should you desire them - nature walks, mountain hiking, boating, fishing, bicycling, antiquing and fine restaurants are only minutes away.

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7584 Ships Point Road
Station 39-C27
Fanny Bay, B.C. V0R-1W0

© 2008 Ships Point Inn. All rights reserved.