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Lakeshore Executive Suites

Common Areas and Business Machinery


Business Support


Conference Rooms


Leading Edge Connectivity


Security, Safety and Maintenance

Create the office plan that's right for your business.

Lakeshore Executies Suites front desk


Office suite rates include:

  • Private and secure office suites
  • Conference rooms
  • Welcoming reception area and personalized answering services
  • Daily mail sorting
  • Coffee bar with kitchen utilities
  • Lobby listing and individual office signage
  • Complimentary open parking
  • Daily office cleaning
  • Built-in credenzas (select offices only)
  • Flexible lease terms


Standard offices range in price from $200 per month to $475 per month based on a one-year lease. Sizes vary from about 102 square feet to 190 square feet. Larger offices range in price from $490 per month to $1,000 per month based on a one-year lease. Sizes vary from 208 square feet to 560 square feet.

Rates include the uses listed above. Covered parking is available at $25 per space per month with a lease and $35 per space per month without a lease (ex: during summer months only). All tenants must provide Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.

Virtual offices include: Business address, telephone answering service and use of conference rooms.

The building has a magnetic lock security system that restricts access to only tenants at night, weekends, and holidays. It is a smoke-free environment, with an outside area designated for smoking.

Located just east of Rural Road and south of US Highway 60, Lakeshore Executive Suites have convenient freeway access.


Floor Plan Information | Map | ©2014 Lakeshore Executive Suites