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[Company Logo Image]

Servicing the Smoking Pipe Repair Industry for
67 Years!

J. H. Lowe

Tobacco Pipe Repairs
Place an Order
Customer Links


J. H. Lowe & Co. has been providing Smoking Pipe Parts and Supplies for the Pipe Repairman and Pipemakers for 67 years.  J. H. Lowe & Co. has one of the widest selections of supplies in the smoking pipe parts industry.

We have an extensive inventory and most items are shipped with quick turn around at very reasonable prices.  We are open to both resellers as well as consumers - so feel free to browse our online catalog by clicking on the bars to the left.


Please Read this We do not have pipe parts that are shaped and finished to fit any pipe by size or model number. The stems we offer are unfinished and need to be fitted to each pipe on an individual basis by a pipe maker or pipe repairman with the knowledge, tools and equipment to do the job properly.

If you are in need of a repair for a pipe, Tim West, 39 years a pipe repairman and owner of J. H. Lowe, can do the work on your pipes for you. Click on the Tobacco Pipe Repairs link box along side this page. The link will take you to the pipe repairs costs page. If you have questions about your pipe repair, email or call Tim.


This web site contains hundreds of items that we carry to service the smoking Pipe Repairman and the Pipemaker.  We will try to include most everything we carry in stock on this website, but we do have small quantities of "odd ball" items that are not listed.  Feel free to contact us about you requirements.



Some of the many supplies and equipment we sell includes:

Aluminum Repair Parts Buffs, Compounds & Wax Pipe Repairs (all types)
Aluminum Sanding Discs Delrin Tenon Plugs & Rods Rubber Bits and Stems
Arbors (all-purpose & work) Drills and Taps Rubber & Lucite Rods
Bakelite Bits and Rods Lucite Bits and Rods Sand Paper
Bands (gold, silver, solid nickel) Meerschaum Bowls Spade Bowl Bits

Bone Screws

Mortise Drill & Facing Tool

Stains - N/A

Bamboo Pearlized Lucite Bits Tenon Turning Cutters
Briar Blocks Rubber Pipe Clips w/ Screw Wood Sanding Wheels - N/A


Company Profile

Founded in 1947, in Brooklyn, NY,  J. H. Lowe & Co. has been providing quality smoking pipe repair parts around the world.  Since its inception, J. H. Lowe is a family business started by Abel and Gertrude and was lastly being run by their youngest son, Howard.  Tim West, Inc. now owns J. H. Lowe & Co. and now operates the J. H. Lowe business from Columbus, Ohio. Tim West has been a Briar Pipemaker and a Pipe Repairman since 1975. He made his first pipe in 1967.

Tim will use his years of experience with the pipe making and pipe repairing trades to answer your questions and provide you with the very best quality smoking pipe parts available.

Contact Information

If you  have any questions or would like to place an order, please feel free to contact Tim by:

     614-761-3465  Tel/Fax 
Mail:  Tim West, Inc. / J. H. Lowe & Co.
  1588 Grayling Ct.
            Columbus, Ohio  43235-5950

E-mails & PayPal Account Addresses:




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Send mail to info@jhlowe.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: October 14, 2014