Something alive was spotted just the other
day in 06413—guess
what—a live concert! Definitely an endangered species for this
little town of Clinton (pop. c. 14,000) nestled on Connecticut’s
shoreline mid-point between New York and Boston. We’re not
completely sure of this, but we think the adjective ‘endangered’ applies
ubiquitously around these United States to this kind of concert which
consists of Classical music. Yes, just to utter the moniker ‘Classical
music’ can set a couple of generations on a stampede to the
nearest exit door. Let’s face it, it’s been a virtual
tsunami of commercial (we’ll call it ‘Popular’)
music that has engulfed the public and has made them passively accept
what inundates them as the whole enchilada. We are here to tell them
that, yes, there was something before the iPod, that someone alive
originated that music, and often when they come to our concerts they
are in for a pleasant surprise both to the ears and eyes.
We are very proud here in Clinton of our Flynn Classical
Concerts, and we’d like to make you a promise—we
will never buy in to tired old precepts like: ‘Classical
= good as Popular = bad’—but rather simply
mount a steady search for accomplished players of good
music, and nab them for a stopover live concert. That in
a nutshell is our modest undertaking and our highest ambition.
Come and hear for yourself.