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A Family-Oriented Nude Recreation Facility

Welcome to Green Valley!
Green Valley Announcements

Check out all of our camp activities on the events calendar.

If you would like more information about Green Valley or want to attend an event, please call us at (330) 659-3812.

Green Valley is a family-oriented, nude recreation facility located near Cleveland, Ohio. Our campground is secluded on 47 wooded-acres of land. Established over 70 years ago, Green Valley is one of the oldest resorts of its kind in the United States. Our members and visitors consist of average-looking people from all walks-of-life.

We offer overnight accommodations such as full RV hook-ups, rental cabins and primitive tent camping. Green Valley has a wide-range of amenities including a heated clubhouse with full kitchen, heated swimming pool & hot tub spa, indoor restrooms, hot showers, hiking trail, volleyball, basketball, horseshoes, shuffleboard, miniten courts, pentaque and children's playground. We also have a small pond that features a fountain and pedal boat, and is stocked with fish. It's a favorite fishing hole for children of all ages.

Our office has a modest supply of items for sale including soft drinks, ice, clothing and convenience items. Located just minutes away, you will find grocery stores, restaurants, hotels and various nightlife activities in nearby Akron and Cleveland.

Our membership has over 230 full and associate members. We accept applications for membership from all interested parties, but we do have a quota for singles in order to maintain an equal balance between genders. Children are very important to our club because as adults, many of them become full members themselves. They are a proud part of our heritage.

Our beliefs are simple: We recognize the essential wholesomeness of the human body and that life is enhanced by the naturalness of social nudity. From exercise to relaxation, physical health and mental well-being are enriched through social nude recreation. We have the right to practice social nudity in appropriate settings, provided we do not infringe on the rights of others. While you are on the grounds, you will be known to others by your first name only. It is your choice whether you want to divulge any other personal information.

Social nudists find that being nude equalizes the status sometimes placed upon clothing. Seeing others for what they are and not their possessions or wealth builds confidence in oneself. This makes it easier to accept others despite the textile "hang-up" on physical size, body shape or condition. Things like surgery scars are taken for granted and you are accepted for yourself.