福袋ネタバレ handmadeのある暮らし 家庭菜園 猫のいる生活 楽天グループのサービス サービス一覧 お問い合わせ一覧 社会的責任 関連サービス DVD・CDをレンタルする 楽天レンタル 映画・ドラマ・アニメ動画もっと見る 楽天SHOWTIME 本・CD・DVDを購入する 楽天ブックス おすすめ 楽天カード 楽天スーパーポイントが2倍貯まるクレジットカード. この作品を作るときのコツ 手の緩い方はかぎ針を1号落として編んでね. ) エキブロ その他 メール友達に教える プリンター印刷する ニット帽 , baby , ベビー , 関連作品 ぽぽちゃん用ニット帽 100均毛糸 もこもこふわふわニット帽子 大人用猫耳ニット帽 編まずに縫うだけ. 簡単ニット帽 赤ちゃん用ニット帽 かぎ針で*バスケット編みのニット帽 実はシンプル*かぎ針編みのニット帽 baby小物 帽子と靴 ノルディック柄ニット帽 まっすぐ編んでぎゅーっ. 簡単ニット帽 簡単輪編みのニット帽 小学生用 リバーシブル帽子 全部見る この作り方を元に作品を作った人、完成画像とコメントを投稿してね. 弊社の宣伝をここでするのは、失礼ですが、 ISOについては, shiken. 経審評点アップセミナー開催のお知らせ 2014年3月31日 平成26年3月吉日 関係各位様 有限会社都城情報ビジネス 経審評点アップセミナー開催のお知らせ 拝vivienne westwood 時計 レディース啓 時下ますますご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げます. このたびは、弊社主催の「経審評点アップセミナー」開催のお知らせをさせていただきます. お忙しいとは存じますが、各位様のお役に立てる内容となっておりますので、是非ご参加くださいますようお願い申し上げます. ご参加をいただける場合は、お手数ですが、下記のお申込みフォームよりお申し込みください. そのノウハウを活かして集客,販売,リピートまで総合的に個別コンサルティングします. ECコンサルタントが毎月定点的にチェック、アドバイスしますので、PDCAが機能します. 診断調査サービス サイト運用でお困りのお客様にECのプロによるサイト診断をさせていただきます. 事業計画作成サービス 自社の問題点や改善点を洗い出し、動向調査や弊社独自のノウハウなどから最適な事業計画を提供させていただきます. 彼女の妹にイカされまくりの俺 スマホヴィヴィアン手袋レディースコミックマガジン|Himeblo TOP 姉vivienne westwood 靴のカラダに興味津々な弟くん 姉のカラダに興味津々な弟くんvivienne westwood outlet 褐色画像もある発煙器官 漫画みっけ.



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Song Journal
  (Bob's Blog)

Bob's Myspace Page

Journal Cuts

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Selected Venues
Critical Writings
Covers by Others

E-Mail List
Get in Touch
Gig Flyers


Welcome to BobFranke.Com


Songwriting from the Center Workshop
   March 15 - 17, 2013
    Rowe Camp & Conference Center, Rowe, MA

Registration Page:  http://rowecenter.org/events.php?event=159

Bob in Russia, 2012

In March 2012, Macy Coffey, Joan Sherman, and Misha Rachlevsky conspired to bring Bob Franke to Russia for an evening with Chamber Orchestra Kremlin. The evening was a great success, and Bob, Joan, and Ann Sherman spent 11 days in Russia seeing sites they'd never seen before.

Click Here to See Bob's Photo Album


Rehearsal with the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin

Bob at Kennedy Center

From the Kennedy Center web site:  "The singer-songwriter is best known for his wise and spiritually generous songs, along with topical songs sugared with the hilarious."

Click here to watch a 53 minute clip of this performance.

Bob was on the Radio!!

On May 1, 2010, Bob was interviewed by Dale Connelly of Heartland Radio and Minnesota Public Radio.  There has been some interest in the lyrics to one of his songs from that appearance, so we've posted the full lyrics to My Next Drinki?? on the Lyrics Page.

Bob's Booking Information

Please use the information at the "Get In Touch" page.  Thanks.

Bob's Big Poster

Bob has a new large poster for use by venues to announce his concerts.  It is a double sized page (11x17), prints in great color.  It is a very large PDF file, so be patient.  It will take a couple of minutes on a broadband connection.  We suggest that you right click on the file name below, then select Save Target As...  Save it on your hard drive, in case you need to print more later.  You don't want to re-load it if you can avoid it.


Read Scott Alarik's biographical piece about Bob on the Biography Page.

Get Bob's CDs and MP3s and listen to snippets of songs. 

All of Bob's in-stock products are available both as MP3 files and as CDs through the Nimbit store.  Click on the Buy CDs link on the menu to see Bob's link to Nimbit.

 They will also arrive at major mp3 outlets like iTunes, Rhapsody and others within the next few weeks.






Bob has a new Myspace page, which gives him another way to reach folks who want to know what he is up to these days.  The following is from Bob:

I've got a new MySpace site-- www.myspace.com/bobfrankespace.  So far, a few streaming songs, new dates, and comments, but I will keep working on things there.  I will investigate putting together a download store there and keep you all posted if it works out. Meanwhile, please visit and/or join the service. If you're a songwriter who wants to expand your web presence, I recommend you go to www.myspace.com/music and sign up there.

So now you have three ways to check up on Bob's activities (see menu links):

1.  This website

2.  The Song Journal, Bob's blog -- musings on a variety of subjects

3.  Bob's Myspace page, www.myspace.com/bobfrankespace

"Old, But Very Good News"

Also, "The Other Evening In Chicago" was on the best of 2005 lists of Susan Forbes Hansen of WFCR Radio in Amherst, MA; Mike Regenstreif of CKUT,
Montreal; and Ron Olesko of WFUV Teaneck, NJ.

Bob's Songwriting Workshops -- click on menu link to workshops
See the article about Bob entitled "Bob Franke: Patience is a Virtue" in the Spring 2005 issue of Sing Out Magazine.

Bob's Blog:  The Song Journal

Bob's blog is called The Song Journal (http://www.songjournal.blogspot.com), and is a way for him to offer "miscellaneous news and writing by Bob Franke, mostly about songs as a portable art form, and the process of creating them and enabling them to do their work in the world."

In 2003, Kathy Mattea covered Bob's song "Straw Against the Chill" on her second Christmas album, "Joy For Christmas Day."

In the spring of 2004, Peter, Paul and Mary released "Alleluia, The Great Storm Is Over" on their CD "In These Times."

"It's his integrity. I always think of Bob as if Emerson and Thoreau had picked up acoustic guitars and gotten into songwriting. There's touches of Mark Twain and Buddy Holly in there, too."

Tom Paxton

"While fans from Claudia Schmidt to June Tabor may have...incredible taste in picking songs...when they sing Massachusetts-based Bob Franke's tunes, neither they nor anyone else can come close to the emotional (and spiritual) depth Franke brings to his understated songs of the heart, from 'Hard Love' to 'The Great Storm Is Over'. He continues also to dig into Robert Johnson's blues, and songs that offer hilarious uses of everything from bicycle repair to computers as metaphors for sex. In the folk singer-songwriter realm, Franke is simply the best."

Express, Berkeley, California

"In the folk singer-songwriter realm, Franke is simply the best."  

Larry Kelp, Express, Berkeley, CA

" . . . a singer-songwriter unsurpassed for his lyrical grace . . . one of our wisest and most spiritually graceful songwriters"

The Boston Globe, Boston, MA

"...a standard of songs that most writers can only dream about, and admire in drop-jawed silence"

Folk Roots