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Monday, October 20, 2014 login
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Sunday Worship

Coffee Fellowship
9:00 AM

Bible Study
9:30 AM

Worship Service
10:30 AM
Welcome to Church in the Meadows
Church in the Meadows is a caring community of faith where people can learn together, enjoy fellowship with one another, and be liberated for ministry and missions in our world. We are committed to doing the kinds of things that we believe Jesus would be doing if he were physically present in our community. We invite you to learn more about us through this website and we hope you'll join us this Sunday for worship.
Listen to last week's sermon
Listen to last week's sermon
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, by Laura Hillenbrand
Book Club Discussion:
by Laura Hillenbrand
May is Global Missions month at Church In The Meadows and here are some of the things we will be emphasizing over the next few weeks. Please support this activity with us!
Progessive Dinner with the Youth
was a great event for the youth and adults. Thank you for everyone who participated.
Church In The Meadows walks at the
Lakeland CROP Hunger Walk 2013.
Relay For Life
Hungry people in developing countries walk as much as 6 miles a day to get food and water. CROP Hunger Walks are organized by local volunteers to raise funds to end hunger and provides us an opportunity to walk with the world. We walk because they walk!
One of "The Girls" moves to Virginia
Emogene Pearson,
One of our mentors has moved to Virginia to be near her daughter. Emogene is a charter member of our church and served as the first vice moderator. Since one of Emogene???s hobbies is genealogy, she is looking forward to using the libraries in Virginia to help her find some elusive ancestors to complete her family tree. CITM will miss her bright, beautiful smile and her quick wit.

The property is located just south of the Polk Parkway on
Lakeland Highlands Road at the entrance to the Meadows subdivision.
Click here for more information
Church in the Meadows