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ANJRPC Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to the shooting sports.

The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, or ANJRPC, is the NRA state association, formed to promote and support shooters and shooting clubs in New Jersey.

After many years of successful operation, ANJRPC has formed a non-profit foundation exclusively for assisting with the education and informational efforts of the group, and in order to assist other similar groups.

The Foundation website will assist in informing grant seekers and those interested in supporting our efforts to educate and inform New Jersey residents and clubs about shooting and the shooting sports. 

Grant seekers
Are encouraged to read the grant process page, which describes the process of the grant application will go through and provides information about the kinds of projects the Foundation is interested in funding.

Benefactors and suppporters
may make donations and see the results of their efforts and those of the Foundation towards our goals of improving and informing those interested in the shooting sports. 

Board members




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Copyright 2008 ANJRPC FOUNDATION All rights reserved