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Revolutionary Digital LED Lighting

Recent News

2013 - Enervation is now proud to be a member of MAPA, the Mid-Atlantic Parking Association. Please see link to our Unique parking solutions.
-Solution 1
-Solution 2
-Solution 3
2012 - Enervation begins work with the Australian Embassy in Washington DC, St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital in NYC, and continues its numerous projects with SEPTA.
2012 - Enervation broadens its portfolio to include top of the line outdoor lighting and the latest in “Flat Panel” technology.
7.21.10 - April 27, 2010: U.S. Congressional Sustainable Energy Expo, Rep. Vern Ehlers (MI.), Vice-Chair House Energy Efficiency Caucus, “The real answer is energy and conservation. I see a word there I like. It’s what I’ve been talking about. It’s a combination of Energy and Conservation…ENERVATION! It’s a good word to describe what we all can do!”
-Click here to watch video
5.27.10 - Enervation Lighting will participate in the Congressional Renewable Energy Efficiency Expo and Forum Cannon House Office Building Caucus Room, Washington DC, Organized by the Sustainable Energy Coalition.

Benefits at a Glance

No Costly Retrofitting
Environmentally Friendly
38% less energy than fluorescent bulbs
ROI < 3 years
Lifetime of 8 years

“Incandescents to be outmoded for residential use!”

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 calls for a transition to more energy efficient lighting starting January 1, 2012, when 100-watt incandescent bulbs will no longer be sold. 75-watt traditional bulbs are the next go in 2013. Sales of 40- and 60-watt bulbs become a thing of the past in 2014.

-GreenBiz.com, 1/2010

Enervation is at the crossroads of energy efficiency
and conservation. Our commitment to both of these goals makes for incredible innovation.

(Click image to download PDF presentation)

The Case to Replace

“LED is FIT-AND-FORGET lighting that is essentially there for as long as you live.”

-Colin Humphreys, LED Lighting researcher, Cambridge University

“LED [lights are] a pivotal emerging technology.”

-US Department of Energy

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