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Hi, I’m Billy Nelson - a designer, painter, photographer, creative dabbler, but most importantly (and challenging) a husband, and father of three.

I have a love for trying to create for all types of mediums. I spend my days working and playing from my Palm City home in South Florida. I have been building websites, logos, ads, TV spots & other motion graphics professionally for over a decade & have never stopped doodling & fingerpainting since being a young kid growing up in Australia. Although I have won many awards, locally, nationally & internationally, it's the great clients & getting to make a living doing what I love that makes it all work.

So if you just need a logo, a business card, or an entire campaign done, I can help your vision come to life. I also have a close group of fellow creatives & developers that I collaborate with that all share my love of advertising, brand recognition & growth by creating engaging & meaningful artwork for our clients, friends & family.

No job is too small or too big. Take a look around & leave me a message. Let me know if you would like some art done, just want to say hi, or if you've been inspired to create something for yourself.

BJN Designs is a local Graphic Design & Website Development agency serving the Treasure Coast & beyond!

Live. Love. Create.

BJNDESIGNS, LLC | Local Graphic Design & Website Creative Boutique Serving The Treausre Coast

Call or email me today!
or tomorrow is ok too, your choice.  |  email -   |  phone - 772.349.3740