実質○,○00,000-○00,000=○00,000円 (審査機関の費用は除く) ISO14001(環境)取得の場合においては、弊社コンサルもご検討下さい. (5) 事業継続計画について 先日、訪問させて頂いた時に、お話ししましたが、建設業界で、表記の"事業継続計画"のマネジメントシステムの取得が徐々に広がっています. ... 評価 カワイイ(0) ステキ(2) シック(0) オシャレ(1) 難易度 タグエチノ/トート/バッグ/マザー/北欧/ペットボトル カテゴリ編み物・手芸・ソーイング>ソーイング 名前Rachel さん トートバッグ 渦巻きの様な花柄が気に入り、バッグのポケットにしてみました. 建設業界において、ISOは,ISO9001(品質)→ISO14001(環境)→OH Hallmark Business Consultants, Inc. - Business Brokerage, Mergers and Acquisitions in Tucson and Southern Arizona

Our Address

La Paloma Corporate Center

3561 East Sunrise Drive, Suite 215
Tucson, Arizona 85718


+1 (520) 577-5151


+1 (520) 577-5152

view map



Our Business Brokerage

Hallmark Business Consultants, Inc.

From retail stores and service businesses to manufacturing and distribution companies, we are experienced, expert business intermediaries.

We believe that it is essential that you be represented by professionals. While we work together on your behalf, we also include your attorney and tax advisor on our team.

If you have a business to sell or are interested in acquiring a business in Southern Arizona, please give us a call. We know the marketplace!

Our Business Broker Team

With more than 80 years of collective experience in business ownership and brokerage, our principals have the educational and business backgrounds to help you complete a win-win transaction.

Robert E. Lenhard Michael J. Bull Robert E. Lenhard
Robert E.
Michael J.
Gary E. Lotzer

view our profiles

Our Business Brokerage Service

  • Sellability Score
    Evaluate how sellable your business is.
    Receive a FREE report to improve the value.

  • Buying a Business?
    Several business listings available in Tucson and the Southwest.

  • Selling a Business?
    We apply comprehensive marketing strategies to get your busienss sold.

  • Complete Business Profiles are available
    to all AZBBA and IBBA members.

  • Buyers mentioned in our bulletin have been prescreened and have completed a Buyer Profile and a personal interview with our firm.

Feel free to call our office at
(520) 577-5151
for our updated listings.



Ranking Arizona Magazine
has ranked Hallmark Business Consultants, Inc. as one of the Top 10 business brokerage firms of the year in Arizona for the years 20042012.

ranking arizona


AZBBA Award of Excellence

Robert E. Lenhard is a recipient of the prestigious Award of Excellence from the Arizona Business Brokers Association.

inside tucson business


"When I decided to relocate from Connecticut to Tucson to pursue my dream of buying a business here, the first step was to find a business broker who had the expertise and knowledge of the Tucson community. Rob Lenhard's professionalism, advice and counsel proved invaluable to me every step of the way. He not only found the perfect business opportunity for me, he guided me throughout the negotiation, purchase and contracting process. I could not have been more pleased working with him. I had total confidence in his abilities from start to finish. When time came to sell the business, it was Rob I turned to. Because of his professionalism and attention to detail, I knew I would be successful in completing a subsequent sale.

I wholeheartedly endorse Rob Lenhard and the Hallmark team to anyone."

Geoffrey Newton


.asp" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;">プラダ靴ローファーSAS18001(安全)→BCP(事業継続計画) へと流れています. 評価 カワイイ(メガネ プラダ0) ステキ(2) シック(1) オシャレ(4) 難易度 タグトートバッグ/皮バプラダ ローファー メンズッグ/花柄 カテゴリファッション小物>バッグ 名前cosmos0909さん 普段使いミニトートバッグをプチリサイクルで 棒針は、だいぶ前に5年ほど習いに通っていた. 俺様クレイジーマン(・∀・)28歳になりました 充実しすぎて幸せな毎日('. 弊社到着後、校正のみの場合は約5日程度、別途修理が必要な場合は約7日程度かかります. …クッキー焼いてた泥×蜂蜜リクエスト過去記事も書くねageha 吉川ちえ よったんとプリクラ画像 中目黒でランチ ダイエットお助けアイテム ともみん 今日のコーデアップモノトーンコート( ´ ▽ ` )ノ今日の手作りご飯買って良かったコスメ桜井 莉菜 ふふふんRegina いよいよ今日TOPICSをすべてみる ジャンルGENREジャンル一覧から探すDIARY &frasl. ビューティー美容情報メイク・コスメヘア・ネイルダイエットFASHION &frasl. ファッションファッションコーデショップ店員SHOPPING &frasl. オトナレベル 姉のカラダに興味津々な弟くん 褐色を見るなら画像をタッチ. 「姉のカラダにプラダ クマ興味津々な弟くん」を読んだ乙女たちは、みんなこう思うはずです. とにかくもっと困ってほしくて、顔を耳の先まで赤くしてもらいたい( *´艸`) それくらいお姉ちゃんの弟、アキくんがキュートでたまりません. だって、高校生のお姉ちゃんのことが気になって、夜な夜な部屋に潜り込んではおっぱいをサワサワ、あそこをナデナデ…って、かわいすぎじゃないですか. そんなことして起きないはずないのに、お姉ちゃんの狸寝入りを信じ込んでどんどん大胆なことしちゃうし….

Our Address

La Paloma Corporate Center

3561 East Sunrise Drive, Suite 215
Tucson, Arizona 85718


+1 (520) 577-5151


+1 (520) 577-5152

view map



Our Business Brokerage

Hallmark Business Consultants, Inc.

From retail stores and service businesses to manufacturing and distribution companies, we are experienced, expert business intermediaries.

We believe that it is essential that you be represented by professionals. While we work together on your behalf, we also include your attorney and tax advisor on our team.

If you have a business to sell or are interested in acquiring a business in Southern Arizona, please give us a call. We know the marketplace!

Our Business Broker Team

With more than 80 years of collective experience in business ownership and brokerage, our principals have the educational and business backgrounds to help you complete a win-win transaction.

Robert E. Lenhard Michael J. Bull Robert E. Lenhard
Robert E.
Michael J.
Gary E. Lotzer

view our profiles

Our Business Brokerage Service

  • Sellability Score
    Evaluate how sellable your business is.
    Receive a FREE report to improve the value.

  • Buying a Business?
    Several business listings available in Tucson and the Southwest.

  • Selling a Business?
    We apply comprehensive marketing strategies to get your busienss sold.

  • Complete Business Profiles are available
    to all AZBBA and IBBA members.

  • Buyers mentioned in our bulletin have been prescreened and have completed a Buyer Profile and a personal interview with our firm.

Feel free to call our office at
(520) 577-5151
for our updated listings.



Ranking Arizona Magazine
has ranked Hallmark Business Consultants, Inc. as one of the Top 10 business brokerage firms of the year in Arizona for the years 20042012.

ranking arizona


AZBBA Award of Excellence

Robert E. Lenhard is a recipient of the prestigious Award of Excellence from the Arizona Business Brokers Association.

inside tucson business


"When I decided to relocate from Connecticut to Tucson to pursue my dream of buying a business here, the first step was to find a business broker who had the expertise and knowledge of the Tucson community. Rob Lenhard's professionalism, advice and counsel proved invaluable to me every step of the way. He not only found the perfect business opportunity for me, he guided me throughout the negotiation, purchase and contracting process. I could not have been more pleased working with him. I had total confidence in his abilities from start to finish. When time came to sell the business, it was Rob I turned to. Because of his professionalism and attention to detail, I knew I would be successful in completing a subsequent sale.

I wholeheartedly endorse Rob Lenhard and the Hallmark team to anyone."

Geoffrey Newton