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A Lamplighting and Kriya School

Welcome to....

Ouray Mountain Institute & Mountain Institute

A Kriya & Lamplighting Meditation School.

Spiritual Leader Jerry Densow

Ouray Mountain Institute
Mountain Institute are 501-C3 Non-denominational Church's
dedicated to enlightenment and service.

Jerry started meditating and doing massage in the fall of 1969. In September 1974 he met Sat Guru Audle Allison in Oklahoma City and began studying with him. Jerry studied with Audle until his death in January 1988.   Jerry founded Mountain Institute in Red River, NM in August 1988 to carry on Audle's Lamplighting and Kriya tradition. In June 2004 Jerry left Mountain Institute in the capable hands of his sister Kathi Arnold and moved to Montrose, CO to work with Ouray Mountain Institute in a full time capacity.

Ouray Mountain Institute
was founded in November 1990 by Jerry Densow, Kathi Arnold, and Colleen Bixler on the same premise of Mountain Institute .

Jerry Densow
is the Spiritual Leader for both
Ouray Mountain Institute & Mountain Institute .

Contact Information

Ouray Mountain Institute

PO Box 215

Ouray, CO 81427

(970) 240-4557


Mountain Institute

Taos, NM

(970) 240-4557

Please contact Agatha for class info at (575) 770-9411

Ouray Mountain Institute is a Lamplighting and Kriya Meditation School based in western Colorado. Our lineage includes Gurus such as Lahiri Mahasaya, Paramahansa Yogananda, Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind, and Audle Allison. Thank you for visiting our site.

?? 2009-2014 Website Designed by Clare Densow