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Northwest Gaited Horse Club Northwest Gaited Horse Club
Our vision To promote all naturally gaited horse breeds in the Pacific Northwest for pleasure or show; to provide support and encouragement to gaited horse owners and enthusiasts; while prohibiting artificial action devices, additional weight, or evidence of soring.
About this club
Member Discounts
Trail Ride Program
Evergreen Gaited
Horse Classic
How Can I Help?
Officers, Regional Reps
Classified Ads
Club events
Contact us

Welcome to the Northwest Gaited Horse Club!
This club is for people who love sound, naturally gaited horses, want to learn more about them, have fun, and meet other people who feel the same. Owning a horse is not a requirement!

Club News  

February 15-17, Ridgefield WA
Washington State Horse Expo, More info...

March 16, Ridgefield WA
Gaited Horse Clinic, More info...

Supporting Sound Gaited Horses
The Northwest Gaited Horse Club and it's Evergreen Gaited Horse Classic show is the only organization in Washington State affiliated with the Friends of Sound Horses organization in support of sound gaited horses. “Sound” means not “sored”. Importance is placed on education regarding the humane care, training, and treatment of all gaited horses for their emotional, mental and physical well-being. FOSH will only support flat shod or barefoot horses, and will never endorse any event that uses stacks and/or chains as action devices, nor any mechanical, chemical or artificial means to modify the natural gaits of the horse. What is soring?

Trail Riding Hourly Log Sheets
Club members - This is a great time to start tracking your trail riding hours to compete for the most trail hours ridden in 2013.
[Learn more...]
[Download log sheet]


Evergreen Gaited Horse Classic Show
Evergreen Gaited Horse Classic
While this has been a fun and popular show, we did not achieve the support needed to continue for 2013.

[Learn more about the show and how you can help for a show in 2013...]

Best of Show - 2002, Rocky Mountain Horse Icelandic

?copyright 2013 | Northwest Gaited Horse Club | all rights reserved