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AB1825 Sexual Harassment / Discrimination Training
Patti Perez writes chapter on workplace investigations in CEB???s 2007 edition of Advising California Employers and Employees
Spanish Proficiency Test
HR and Employment Law Training for Managers in Spanish
Workplace Investigations ??? Interview Witnesses in Spanish
Translate Employee Handbooks, Policies and Procedures
Puente Consulting, Inc.: Stronger Employee Relations. Smarter Business.

In today???s diverse and global workplace, the business of human resources is increasingly complex and critical to business success. Issues of background, personality, methods of conflict-resolution, work ethic, customs, communication and expectation impact the workplace in new and unexpected ways. Employers and employees must anticipate, understand, and prevent challenges before they become serious problems.

While we never expect it to happen in a well-managed company, workplace conflict is a fact of life and is becoming more and more common. Mishandling an employee conflict can result in decreased morale and productivity, increased turnover, bad press, damage to a company???s reputation, and, ultimately, loss of profits or decrease in stock prices. Many employment-related lawsuits can be avoided by implementing adequate preventative practices. Even more important than prevention, one of the true hallmarks of an ???employer of choice??? is taking proactive steps to address issues of workplace conflict.

Whether you need help from a business consultant with a strong legal background, assistance with the resolution of a workplace conflict, a confidential investigation, an assessment of your company???s procedures or help interacting with your Spanish speaking employees, Puente is here to help.
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