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Irene Atman

I Luv Shoes is the debut single from my forthcoming album "Because I'm a Woman" - a playful jazz tune I wrote about women's universal quest for the perfect pair of shoes - a woman's true love - shoes!

Thanks to the world famous Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, Canada for allowing us to shoot on location. I lived every woman's fantasy, surrounded by the most fabulous designer shoes. We had access to the archives (the ultimate shoe lover's closet!) and to the exhibition dedicated to one of the 20th century's most important shoe designers, Roger Viviér. The video is tongue-in-cheek; Carrie Bradshaw meets Marilyn Monroe. And what a blast I had putting on those fabulous eyelashes and gowns to play the part of the ultimate Shoe Diva! The video was shot on a shoe-string budget - LOL (pun intended). This song is definitely 'Confessions of a Shoeaholic!' How many shoes do I own? Never enough!