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A city church with a country atmosphere

Sunday Services:
Cowboy Service
8:30 a.m.

Indoor Service
10:30 a.m.

3625 Corona Ave, Norco, CA 92860



Alton Vance - Pastor

"Reflecting His Light"









































Our Church & Community






Indoor Worship



Our Community

The city of Norco is a wonderful place to live if you enjoy a rural atmosphere. There are approximately 25,000 people in Norco and more than 30,000 horses. Norco is home to many other species of animals. The city has over 100 miles of equestrian trails. You can ride your horse almost anywhere in town. All this in the middle of metropolitan California. Norco is a unique place to live.

Our Church

In 1989 Norco Christian Church felt the need to present Christ to this city in a new and positive way. We began an outdoor service where people could ride their horses. In 1999 we began to build a western worship arena that now serves our congregation and the community.

We also continue to make good use of our indoor facility with a second Sunday service every week. This service always meets inside our building for those who prefer to be indoors for worship.

On Sundays where the weather is inclement we hold both services indoors.

We'd love to have you come visit us Sunday mornings.

We have two Sunday services:

Cowboy Service Outdoors ------ 8:30 a.m.
Worship Service Indoors ------- 10:30 a.m.
Bible School Classes - adults ---- 9:45 a.m.
Bible School Classes - Children --9:00 a.m.
(after the communion service every Sunday)

3625 Corona Ave, Norco, CA 92860


Information You Might Want to Know

Norco Christian Church believes in the historicity and divine inspiration of the Bible. We believe that Christ was God incarnate and that faith in Him is human kind's only hope for eternal life.

We believe it important and necessary to appropriate Christ into our life in the Biblical method. The book of Acts reveals for us those steps for appropriating Christ into our life.

We also believe that it is important and necessary to continue to live our life in accordance with God's will as revealed for us in the Bible.

Our Theme for 2014 is "Reflecting His Light" We invite you to come join us as we carry out this mission for Christ this year.