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Taylor|Sprules provides strategic communications services, marketing and branding to intelligent corporations. We have over 30 years of experience delivering complete, integrated solutions to a wide range of enlightened business leaders, senior government bodies and NGO's. Our success is built on close and thoughtful relationships with our clients and a proven understanding of how to achieve brilliant results.

Call Taylor|Sprules and Speak with a Creative Mind™.


T|S Wins Gold

For over eight years, members of the T|S team have been splitting their time between a distributed environment (on the road, at airports, on vacation, at home, from hotels, at sea) and 66 The Esplanade.

Increasingly, the balance has been shifting away from 66. As of April 2008, all of us will stop commuting to 66, and we will accelerate our work from distributed environments. Telephone remains the same, email and web remain the same, innovation will accelerate. T|S Everywhere™.
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