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Mounain Spirit Guiding

Chamonix Mountain Guides

Off Piste Skiing & Ski Touring

In winter our mountain and ski guides specialize in guiding and instructing off-piste skiing, ski touring and ski mountaineering around Chamonix.
In spring we offer guiding on Haute Route and organize ski touring expeditions to remote locations such as Lofoten Islands and Lyngen Alps in Northern Norway.
Our mountain guides are all passionate skiers and have lived in Chamonix for many years.

Climbing & Mountaineering

In summer we offer guided ascents for private groups to climb Mount Blanc, guided alpine rock climbs, mountaineering, and alpine climbing courses.
Though based in Chamonix we also guide Swiss mountaineering routes, Matterhorn, and alpine ascents in areas close by such as the Grand Paradiso region and the Wallis 4000ers.
Apart from climbing in the high mountains we offer rock climbing courses in exotic places like on Sardinia and Kalymnos.

Mountain Guides

All guides working with us are qualified by the international UIAGM - IFMGA mountain guide association.
IFMGA stands for International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations and is the highest level of qualification a mountain guide can achieve.

Our ski guides and mountain guides are also motivated instructors and have extensive experience guiding in Chamonix and the Mont Blanc mountain range. Our main working language is english, but we also have guides that speak, German, French, Italian, Spanish or Swedish.

Contact us to get your private mountain guide for expeditions to the most beautiful skiing and climbing locations on the planet!


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