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HONEY CREEK DISPOSAL is a leader in municipal automated waste collection. We provide collection services that are safe, efficient, and responsible. Our fully automated waste collection service has many advantages for your city or home owners' association. Contact Us to start the process of receiving excellent service and true advantages for your neighborhood and the environment. Honey Creek Disposal is a locally owned and family operated business serving customers since 1978. With over 40 years of combined management experience in the waste industry, we know how to get the job done right.

We now offer curbside recycling.

Honey Creek Disposal now offers cubside recycling. Use the form to the right or call 913-369-8999 for availability in your area. If you sign up online, we will call you to confirm service and availability.

Curbside recycling schedule and guidelines > 2014

Sign up for curbside recycling today.*

Name: A value is required.
Phone: A value is required.
Email: A value is required.Invalid format.
Address: A value is required.Invalid format.
Please make a selection.
  *Tonganoxie starts Nov. 4th.
Honey Creek Disposal | P.O. Box 1 | Tonganoxie, kS 66086 | 913-369-8999 | contactus@honeycreekdisposal.com
Any pickup day BEFORE the holiday will be picked up on regular schedule. If the Holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, your pick up day WILL NOT CHANGE. When your trash pickup day falls on an observed holiday (New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day) OR on any day following the holiday in the same week your pickup schedule will be ONE DAY LATER THAN NORMAL. Example: If the holiday falls on a Monday then Monday customer's trash will be picked up on Tuesday. Tuesday customers on Wednesday, Wednesday customer's on Thursday, Thursday customers on Friday and Friday customers on Saturday. Normal schedules resume on the following Monday.

*Customers who sign up for this service will receive a call to confirm service before container is delivered to your residence. Additional fees apply for this service. Contact Honey Creek Disposal for pricing and availability in your area 913-369-8999.