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Current Job Openings

Job Title: Training Specialist

Location of Job: Chantilly, VA

Duties: Monitor, evaluate, or record training activities or program effectiveness. Offer specific training programs to help workers maintain or improve job skills.
Assess training needs through surveys, interviews with employees, focus groups, or consultation with managers, instructors, or customer representatives.
Develop alternative training methods if expected improvements are not seen. Organize and develop, or obtain, training procedure manuals and guides and course materials such as handouts and visual materials.
Present information using a variety of instructional techniques or formats, such as role playing, simulations, team exercises, group discussions, videos, or lectures.
Evaluate training materials prepared by instructors, such as outlines, text, or handouts.
Design, plan, organize and direct orientation and training for employees or customers of industrial or commercial establishment.
Monitor training costs to ensure budget is not exceeded, and prepare budget reports to justify expenditures.
Select and assign instructors to conduct training.


Requirements: Associate's Degree in Dental Laboratory Science or related field, plus 2 years of Dental Technician experience required.


Please send resume and cover letter to: Mr. Han Song Yang
Han Song Yang, Inc.
3852-A Dulles South Court
Chantilly, VA 20151

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© Art Dental Lab 3852-A Dulles South Ct. Chantilly, VA 20151         Tel: 703-378-8555