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(425) 260-8783 voice (425) 460-7798 fax

Healthy Eating For Life

Judy Simon MS, RD, CD, CHES specializes in nutrition counseling for individuals, couples and families. Her areas of expertise include eating disorders, reproductive nutrition (fertility)and weight management. She is recognized nationally as an expert in management of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).You can find Judy Simon on the web, newspapers, magazines, professional journals, and on radio. click on the press tab to find more information.

Mind Body Nutrition

Judy offers her clients the unique experience of a non-dieting, intuitive approach to healthy eating. Many of her clients feel diets and traditional programs have failed them.  Combining her expertise in nutrition and counseling leads her clients to success in losing weight, overcoming eating disorders and improved management of their health.


Food for Fertility class begins September 6th and is enrolling today!

 contact Judy to find out more details  (more info)

PCOS expert, Angela Grassi interviews Judy




Judy Simon MS, RD, CD, CHES