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About MeMotivational Interviewing ConsultingTherapy Practice


Dr. Kistenmacher is a licensed Clinical Psychologist. Her treatment philosophy is based on the fundamental belief that all people have the internal resources to improve their lives. In this regard, her practice is focused on helping clients unearth their internal strengths for the purpose of change. She also believes that every individual has good reasons for the ways in which they think, feel, and behave, and that symptoms and problems are useful sources of information to be utilized in the change process. For this reason, she works from a perspective of empathy. She is a highly skilled therapist who keeps abreast of the latest treatment research and translates this knowledge into her clinical practice. In her private practice, Dr. Kistenmacher works with individuals, couples, and groups. As a consultant, she conducts clinical workshops in Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and evidence based couples therapies. She also provides clinical supervision in Motivational Interviewing and consults with hospitals and clinics to develop quality treatment services.

345 Seventh Avenue Suite 1602 E NY NY 10001

917.669.7938 barbara@drbarbarakistenmacher.com

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