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Specialists in media for Business, Education, Sports, and the Arts.

Tumnatki Siberians with Karen Yeargain Videos Are Available Now....ORDER DVD Here!!!

Our clients use video every day to help them do what they do better!


Clients include The Ventura County Maritime Museum, FARO 3D Scanners, Ventura County Community Foundation,  New Directions Hydropower, and the Siskiyou Sled Dog Association.

Beds and Rooms sells more fine furniture because our commercials bring in customers!

Heartbeat of America used Clement Productions editorial services to make their show "Keeping America Strong" appealing to a national cable audience.

The Trak'n'Seal Corporation used our video to present their products at trade shows throughout the country.

Surface Protection Industries used Clement Productions to show how Zolatone? can be used as a "Spray In Truck Bed Liner System", and Spectura?can "Make It Spectacular".

The Westlake Warriors used Clement Productions video to win more CIF Football games. Coaches know that our video game tapes are essential in training winning teams.  California State University Northridge, California Lutheran University, Santa Barbara City College, the Simi Valley Swarm semi-pro football team, and numerous High School athletic departments have used my services for success.

Ceramic Artist, Bill Creitz, explains his process with our productions.  His videos and DVDs on creating hand thrown pottery have sold internationally, and have helped potters expand their horizons.

Glenn Spangler educates students of the arts with "Twisting and Turning the Classic Bowl". This Clement Production is seen in classrooms throughout the world, and has helped viewers refine their skills.

Artist Linda Okatch-Brown used her Clement Productions video to show gallery owners about her art. "Chasing Paper" explains her creative process and serves as a portfolio of her hand made paper sculptures.

The Oxnard School District used our services to produce their video series "Parents Are Teacher's Too!.  Clement Productions edits videos that show parents how to help their children learn.

The Channel Islands Ballet Company used Clement Productions video to archive productions and produce fund raising media for their Arts for Youth programs.

Opportunities in Options educated traders who want to learn more about options with cassette and streaming video...and Clement Productions makes it happen.

Clement Productions wants to help 
put video in your world.

email us: info@ClementProductions.com