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Personal Injury Lawyers Committed
to Our Clients' Best Interests

When accidents lead to serious personal injury in Tennessee, The Gober Law Firm is here to help. We have been representing people who have been injured in Tennessee for more than 35 years. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients, and helped them receive the medical and supportive care they need. We have also helped them provide for their families and children, even in the face of grave disability.

We Are Committed to Helping Injured People

Our goal at The Gober Law Firm is to work with you to achieve the outcome and the compensation that you deserve. We communicate with you regularly, are always available to answer your questions and advise you of all settlement offers, and we keep you informed at all significant stages of the legal process.

Our office is located on the corner of 4th Avenue and Church Street in downtown Nashville. Call us at 615-783-2874 to discuss your case. Our regular office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; however, we can schedule an appointment after 5 p.m., or meet you at a mutually convenient location anytime, any day of the week.

The initial consultation is free, and we work on a contingency fee basis. This means if there is no recovery, there is no fee.

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Personal Injury Lawyers Committed
to Our Clients' Best Interests

When accidents lead to serious personal injury in Tennessee, The Gober Law Firm is here to help. We have been representing people who have been injured in Tennessee for more than 35 years. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients, and helped them receive the medical and supportive care they need. We have also helped them provide for their families and children, even in the face of grave disability.

We Are Committed to Helping Injured People

Our goal at The Gober Law Firm is to work with you to achieve the outcome and the compensation that you deserve. We communicate with you regularly, are always available to answer your questions and advise you of all settlement offers, and we keep you informed at all significant stages of the legal process.

Our office is located on the corner of 4th Avenue and Church Street in downtown Nashville. Call us at 615-783-2874 to discuss your case. Our regular office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; however, we can schedule an appointment after 5 p.m., or meet you at a mutually convenient location anytime, any day of the week.

The initial consultation is free, and we work on a contingency fee basis. This means if there is no recovery, there is no fee.

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