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HATG encourages all tenants to secure and maintain a renters insurance policy. It can protect tenant???s personal property, damage to other residents??? property caused by the tenant and protect you from the cost of the Authorities??? insurance deductible and the cost associated with restoring/repairing the unit, if necessary.

HATG is not financially responsible for your personal property when a loss occurs for any reason. This is a tenant responsibility. We have mailed notices to residents informing them of the necessity of insurance and provided the name of an insurance agent to seek information. Please note that we do not endorse any particular agent or insurance company.

Anthony L. Johnson, Executive Director
First Notice PDF, Second Notice PDF

Congratulations to our Section 8 department for receiving a designation of High Performer from HUD with a 100% SEMAP score. Congratulations to our Public Housing department for being designated high performer with a 94% PHAS score. Thanks to everyone for their hard work which makes this possible.
Congratulations to our resident Gardy Lebon for being accepted to attend the Naval Academy. We wish the best for you in your endeavors.

Welcome to the Housing Authority of the Town of Greenwich

Since 1946, the Housing Authority has been committed to being an effective and successful producer, owner and manager of affordable housing options for seniors, families and individuals from various racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds. It continues to garner many awards and receives high ratings among its peers.

The Housing Authority controls nearly 761 units in 15 properties, including home-ownership condominiums, scattered-site housing, various developments and Parsonage Cottage. The Housing Authority also administers 317 families through the Section 8 Program. Total residents served through all programs is 2,574. Through resident associations and with the help of professional staff and outside support agencies (e.g., CCI, Family Centers, Department of Social Services) residents are encouraged to learn, earn, manage and improve their lives.

 “We are committed to provide the opportunity to live in quality, affordable housing through fiscally responsible asset management of our resources. By developing partnerships with our residents and the larger community, we will support the improvement of their quality of life.”

The scope of the Housing Authority's mission today is more broadly defined than the conventional notion of brick and mortar as the primary focus. The concepts of building and defining a sense of community, purpose, and personal growth are also an integral part of the Housing Authority's role, helping residents to shape their lives productively. Working in unique collaborative partnerships that tap a multitude of resources available within the Greenwich community and from state and federal organizations, the Housing Authority has implemented a broad based group of support services to strengthen family life, foster stable home environments, drug free living, independence and self-sufficiency. Many of these initiatives are through the auspices of local agencies and organizations.


HATG Announcements

Board Meeting Dates 2014
Wednesdays @ 5:30 p.m

January 22, 2014 - Agnes Morley Heights, 249 Milbank Avenue

February 26, 2014 - Parsonage Cottage, 88 Parsonage Road

March 26, 2014 - Armstrong Court, Armstrong Court Community Room

April 23, 2014 - Wilbur Peck Court, Wilbur Peck Court Community Room

May 28, 2014 - Quarry Knoll I, 15 Quarry Knoll

June 25, 2014 - McKinney Terrace, 71 Vinci Drive

July 23, 2014 - Agnes Morley Heights, 249 Milbank Avenue

August 27, 2014 - Agnes Morley Heights, 249 Milbank Avenue

September 24, 2014 - Adams Garden, Bertolf Road Community Room

October 22, 2014 - Town Hall, Hayton Room

(Annual Meeting)

December 10, 2014 - Agnes Morley Heights, 249 Milbank Avenue

(Combination of November and December Meetings)

Parsonage Cottage
is a highly rated, state-of-the-art, Senior
Residence located on parkland acreage.
Go to web site

Greenwich Close Apartments
Centrally located in downtown Greenwich, the apartments consist of 3 elevated buildings.
Go to web site