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Vital Insight is the only company dedicated to providing industry leading Enterprise Risk Management consulting services, educational seminars & training, and state of the art software solutions specifically for the credit union industry. Our Professional Services Organization has over 40 years of industry and project experience and utilize a unique combination of expert service and technology to provide strategic and operational services for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Internal Audit, and Global Governance, Risk and Compliance programs.

Compliance and Risk Management Solutions for Credit Unions - Credit Unions are subject to ever increasing regulations as well as more compliance, financial, strategic and operational risk than ever before. Many of these organizations are struggling to manage this risk and to support a multitude of rapidly changing compliance requirements without incurring excessive implementation/support costs or additional headcount increases.

Many of the nation's leading credit unions rely on Vital Insight's services and solutions to establish risk management programs, perform risk assessments, and conduct in-depth analysis of key management functions. By combining expert services with best-in-class software, credit union specific content and templates, and expert training and support, Vital Insight makes it easier to:
  • Establish and refine risk management organizations
  • Train senior executives and line management on risk management goals, objectives, and benefits
  • Develop thorough risk management project and communication planning
  • Identify the riskiest parts of the credit union to prioritize risk management efforts
  • Demonstrate the progress made in these programs through project and risk management measurements

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Alan White, Vital Insight
CEO, publishes an article
on "Laying the Foundation
for Effective Enterprise Risk

Click here to view the article.

Alan White to present an ERM Workshop at the CFO Council meeting May 19th - 22nd at the Wild Horse Pass Resort in Phoenix AZ.

Click here for more information.

Vital Insight Advisor,
Dr. Urton Anderson
co-Authors Book on Internal Audit and ERM.

Click here to Review and Purchase the Book.

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