to Operacast.com - the place to find information
about operatic broadcasts on the Internet.
We hope your visit here will be a pleasant
one and that you will enjoy this service and find it useful. We look forward to
riding the wave of streaming opera on the internet with you in the coming years
and decades, and we thank you for your support.
List of Opera Stations
is a comprehensive list of all stations of which we are currently aware that
broadcast high-quality audio on the Net and who also broadcast regularly scheduled
opera programs. This page has links to each station's home page, to all of that
broadcaster's high-quality audio streaming links, and to any additional technical
help pages which that station may provide.
The Opera Table
- our generic schedule page - lists the station, program name, and times (in both
Greenwich Mean Time and Eastern Daylight Time), for each regularly scheduled high-
quality audio operatic broadcast of which we are aware currently available on
the Net. In addition, this page has links to each station's highest quality audio
stream and to its relevant scheduling info page.
We have redesigned our schedule
pages so that they will load in your browser more rapidly. We now feature
seven pages for the Current Week - This
Saturday, This Sunday, This
Monday , This Tuesday, This
Wednesday, This Thursday and This
Friday - and three for Next Week - Next
Saturday, Next Sunday
and Next Week - Monday
to Friday . All programs will still be listed with their Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT) start times and equivalent times in Eastern Standard (or Daylight)
Time. So you won't have to jump back and forth between our List
of Opera Stations and the schedule pages, we list all
audio stream links for each station on the schedule pages.
Two pages on this site briefly discuss some technical
aspects of today's live audio streaming. One page is simple, straightforward,
and basic, an introduction to Internet Radio For Simpletons. The second is intended for the more technically inclined, Internet
Radio for Techies
. The latter page looks at some of the more quirky and esoteric aspects of
broadcast audio streaming. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or comprehensive
study of the technology but merely a personal semi-autobiographical review of
aspects of the invention which have struck your editor as being of some interest.
To keep
you abreast of the current state of the streams we list, we have started a blog
- OperaBlog - where we can let you
know when one of the streams is down or experiencing difficulties and when it
is working properly again. We also use OperaBlog for the occasional tribute
when an important singer has a milestone birthday or passes away and for other
commentary about the opera world.
If you know of a regularly scheduled
operatic broadcast which you do not see listed here and which broadcasts in quality
audio on the Net, or of some special upcoming high-quality operatic webcast, please
let us know about it and we will add
it to our posted information.