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Tools for Self Improvement and Discovery

About Nancie

Nancie Barwick
Fairfax, VA



Web design:
Ken Elliott

Nancie Barwick is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, practicing in Northern Virginia since 1995. She offers services in hypnotherapy and medical intuitive work.

She is a successful speaker and author of the book Beyond Disability and is currently working on a second book on a health-related topic. She has created CDs incorporating the hypnosis tools from Beyond Disability and also for smoking cessation. More CDs are in the works at the moment.

A popular and well-regarded speaker, Nancie offers workshops and a 150-hour certification program in Clinical Hypnosis. In 2002, Dr. Barwick was the recipient of the Diamond Award from the HypnoBirthing?Institute.

For over 20 years, she has enabled her clients, helping them to address the results of grief, addiction, abuse, stress, inaction, insecurity, disability, illness and much, much more.

Thank you for visiting. It is my hope and intention that you will find what you need and what you desire to improve the quality of your life.




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Tools for Self Improvement and Discovery

About Nancie

Nancie Barwick
Fairfax, VA



Web design:
Ken Elliott

Nancie Barwick is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, practicing in Northern Virginia since 1995. She offers services in hypnotherapy and medical intuitive work.

She is a successful speaker and author of the book Beyond Disability and is currently working on a second book on a health-related topic. She has created CDs incorporating the hypnosis tools from Beyond Disability and also for smoking cessation. More CDs are in the works at the moment.

A popular and well-regarded speaker, Nancie offers workshops and a 150-hour certification program in Clinical Hypnosis. In 2002, Dr. Barwick was the recipient of the Diamond Award from the HypnoBirthing?Institute.

For over 20 years, she has enabled her clients, helping them to address the results of grief, addiction, abuse, stress, inaction, insecurity, disability, illness and much, much more.

Thank you for visiting. It is my hope and intention that you will find what you need and what you desire to improve the quality of your life.




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