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Registered as a Private Career College under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005

Welcome to Modern Training Ontario, Hamilton's  originally family owned and operated professional truck driver training school. With over fifteen years of training excellence and thousands of successful graduates, word of mouth has built our solid reputation with recruiters and the transportation industry. At Modern Training Ontario we offer extensive commercial training packages . Our courses are designed and approved by the trucking industry for the entry level driver.

As a proud TTSAO member our professional TTSAO driver training program is accredited by the transportation insurance industry making it more pleasing to trucking companies to hire graduates with the TTSAO Insurance Accredited Diploma.
Our class AZ (Tractor Trailer), DZ (Dump Truck and Fire Truck), BZ (School Bus) and CZ (Coach) programs are offered in the latest model equipment, with fully certified TTSAO instructors that are ready to train you to your full potential in all aspects truck and bus operations.

Our Goal is Simple: To train you for the real world in the utmost professional manner and skill and provide the student with the widest range of  tractor trailer configurations for hands on training and experience therefore making our students one of the elite hiring choices by the trucking industry.

We also have expanded our Courses to include a Lift Truck (Tow Motor) Certification Course.  This is to oversee that you surpass all employer pre hire standards improving the potential of landing a job and improving your work related skills in this field.

MODERN TRAINING ONTARIO cordially invites you for a tour of our training facility so that you can see first hand how you the customer has made us one of the area's elite training provider and experience for yourself the Modern Difference.

"The Route To Safe Trucking Starts With Modern Training"