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Worldwide Strategies, Inc. (WSI) offers innovative solutions to employment, training, and economic development challenges that change the reality on the ground and make real improvements in people's lives.

WSI is a woman-owned small business based in Boise, Idaho with a global clientele. WSI has contracted with the World Bank, U.S. Agency for International Development, the International Labor Organization, the International Organization for Migration and the International Labor Affairs Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor. WSI has also performed as a subcontractor to large global consulting firms.

WSI has worked around the world on projects in Central, Eastern, and Southeast Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Anglophone Caribbean, Armenia, and China.

Click to view larger map of WSI Project Locations

WSI helps transition and developing countries in designing and implementing programs that support:

  • Job Creation
  • Job Retention
  • Job Search
  • Job Transition

Rigorous performance management systems, independent evaluations, and net impact studies confirm WSI's ability to create change, achieve results, and maximize impact with limited resources.

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