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Mariner Suites  
403 East Monterey Ave
Wildwood Crest, NJ 08260  
(609) 522-4480
Home    Rooms    Rates   Directions   



On March 31, 2006 the Mariner Motel officially turned off it vacancy sign for the last time. We, Mary Lou and Tom, would like to thank those of you who chose to spend their vacation with us at the Mariner over the past seventeen years and wish you the best in the future. It has been a joy serving your families and watching them grow over time.  As most of you know we are not going far and we still have two four-bedroom apartments available on a weekly basis during the Summer Season. Please call on us if we can serve your family needs in the future. 

For Those of you who have never stayed with us before welcome to the heart of Wildwood Crest!  When you drop anchor at the Mariner Suites, your days will be filled with all the pleasures of the sun, sand and surf.  The Mariner is located on the beach block, just a few steps from the world's largest and safest bathing beach.   The Mariner is only a few minutes to the boardwalk, restaurants, tennis courts, fishing and water parks.  Also located near historic Cape May and Atlantic City casinos.  Our very best efforts have gone into maintaining a clean and courteous motel catering to couples and families.  As a small family-owned and operated business, we try to match, if not beat, the services of the bigger apartment complexes.  Plus... our service is the good old-fashion, friendly family hospitality.  It is our intention to offer an atmosphere of caring.  So let us become a part of your family album by visiting the Wildwoods soon!