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What we do

The Berkshire Group of NY specializes in providing key business development and M&A services to the specialty chemicals, coatings, polymers, biotech, environmental services and related industries. This includes market, industry and technical assessments, acquisition screening, strategic growth and transaction work.

What sets us apart

Unlike many firms, we are experienced business development executives that work directly on assignments to provide insight and perspective. We also have the network of key players as well as private companies and transaction experience to provided professional M&A services and acquisition screening.

Our qualifications

We have strong technical and business backgrounds and hands-on industry experience at a senior level, to assist clients in all phases of business development as well as specific needs and markets for specialty chemicals, coatings, polymers, adhesives, plastics, environmental services and biotechnology.

Our clients

We have worked with over 50 multinational companies, privately held companies, investment bankers and financial institutions on a variety of assignments from conference calls to detailed growth team work and market and product studies. We have also participated in acquisition screening of over 100 specialty chemical companies and acted as advisors on the acquisition and sale of small chemical businesses.