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 Latest News The Host & Client Application ITK Accreditation Certificate for the Patient Identity Management Bundle February 25th, 2014               The ITK Accreditation has been granted to Health-Insights December 23rd, 2013                King Abdullah Medical City Achieves HIMSS Stage 6 Using Health Insights' MedicaPlus June 2013

By capturing data at the point of care, HealthInsights aids in caregiver decision-making by accessing a rules engine to provide alerts, reminders, clinical protocols and coding assistance. With the integration of Lab, Pharmacy, Imaging and other ancillary services, HealthInsights provides real-time data to the provider, thereby facilitating better clinical decision-making. Information is presented via a unique, intuitive graphical interface making relevant data available at the click of a mouse which permits providers to analyze and report data quickly and easily.

The Order Entry (CPOE) component assists the physician in sending out lab requests, prescriptions, imaging requests and submitting charges. It is seamlessly integrated with the built-in laboratory, imaging, pharmacy and billing components and can communicate with external systems via interoperability standards such as HL7.

Clinical Decision-Making Support helps physicians in their zapatillas asics by automatically providing recommendations, reminders and alerts.

The integrated Pharmacy component is packed with many tools to help doctors make better decisions byproviding various alerts such as drug-to-drug interactions, drug-to-patient age, sex, and condition alerts, overdose alerts. Health maintenance reminders help keep the doctor updated on what treatments or checkups the patient is due for. By providing caregivers with integrated information about the patient,HealthInsights allows the provider to make better, educated decisions.

HealthInsights' multitude of features not only amount to better and safer patient care, but also offer financial benefits to the establishment by increasing productivity through process automation, increasing revenue through better coding and billing procedures, and reducing expenses through the elimination of paperwork.


- End-to-end e-Health Solution
- Rule Based Processing
- Patient Centric
- Outcomes Based
- Best Practices
- Rule-Based, Evidence-Based Order Sets
- Rule-Based Care Plans and Clinical Pathways
- Specialty and Procedure Centric
- Clinical Decision Support
- Patient Safety Conscious
- Ancillary Services
- Unified Health Record
- Continuity of Care
- International Standards
- Charge and Finance
- Supplies Control
- Web Integration
- Flexible Design
- Clinician Friendly
- Quality of Care Conscious
- Data Access on an As-Needed Basis
- Staff Management/Scheduling
- Performance Monitoring
- Health Level 7 Support

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