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Emily's Cafe & Catering is the creation of Husband & Wife team James and Emily Matticoli. This expertly trained culinary couple that shares a love affair for great food and innovative cuisine opened Emily's in the spring of 2004 nestled in the quaint town of Pennington New Jersey. Emily & James look forward to bringing their joy and passion for food to every client and customer! Â

Emily's Cafe & Catering offers exquisite food, exceptional service and expert planning for your wedding day. Emily's takes pride in creating the perfect cuisine for each and every couple which includes innovative seasonal menus featuring local, organic and artisan products. When it comes to pulling together the perfect location, vendors and look for your event, Emily & her team have you covered. Emily's experienced staff handles all of your event needs from food and service to rentals and set up to detailed coordination on the day of your event. Let Emily's bring your vision to life and ensure that you can Eat, Drink & Be Married!


Let Emily's Cafe & Catering bring your special event to life! whether your hosting a private party, corporate event or holiday gathering let Emily's wow your guests with a unique menu utilizing the freshest seasonal ingredients and deliciously prepared food.


Emily's Cafe offers a casual, bistro style menu that includes two soups daily, quiche, salads, panini and much more. The café also offers Small World Coffee, authentic Italian espresso and delicious housemade desserts.

The Café is open
Monday - Friday 11:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday 11:00am to 2:30pm
Lunch is served 11-3

bottega veneta prices/a>