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flame Retardent Range

Huqas Corporation presents a comprehensive range of durable contract quality Flame Retardant Products for low to high risk environments.

Click here check our complete flame Retardant Product Range.

Huqas Home

Explore the luxurious range of Branded Huqas Home ® Products

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Huqas Corporation

Manufacturers & Exporters of Quality Contract Textile Products

We are the industry leaders in developing, processing and manufacturing textile products, with an experience of 40 years. We take pride in transforming conceptual ideas of our customers into reality and shaping them through our technical bent and professional acumen. Our company philosophy is to always put customer satisfaction at the core of our business by meeting their quality standards and logistical requirements with competitive prices and high-end products.

Huqas Corporation has the technology with expertise; products with knowledge and most importantly the right mindset to achieve total customer satisfaction. Our processing facilities include internationally certified manufacturing standards for printing, white/dyed fabric processing.


We serve across a Wide Range

Our products are applicable across a wide range of industries including Hotels, Hospitals, Universities, Colleges, Police Services, Housing Associations, flame and Ambulance Services, Hospitality Services, Cruise Ships, Furniture Contractors, Ministry of Defence, Health & Leisure Clubs, Spas, Conference and Training Centres, Residential Schools, Laundries, Airlines, National Railways, Prisons, Wholesalers, Event Management and Promotional Companies, Oil Rigs, Caravans and Holiday Parks.


 Huqas Home

Huqas home Products

 Hotel Linen

Huqas hotel linen

 Work Wear

Work wear
