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Piramide Natural Fiber, Clothing, Gifts, Jewery, Music, Manitou Springs, Colorado

With 2 locations: Piramide Clothing Company located in Historic Manitou Springs, Colorado under the shadow of Pikes Peak and Piramide Boutique in Old Colorado City, Colorado under the glow of the Garden of the Gods. Piramide Clothing features comfortable clothing, fun accessories and unique gifts from the USA and around the world.

Some of our offerings include:
~ Piramide personal line of Batik clothing from Bali
~ Domestic and Imported Cotton Clothing
~ Silk Clothing and Scarves
~Colorful Batik and Tie-Dye
~ Linen and Clay Dyed Hemp Clothing
~Wool and Cotton Sweaters
~Unique music, cards, gifts, body care, accessories and more!

Piramide Clothing
735 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs, CO



Piramide Boutique, Old Colorado City
2516 W. Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Piramide specializes in natural fibre clothing and enviro friendly rayons that are easy to wear and easy to care for. All at reasonable prices!

Accessorize with one of our many beautiful silk or rayon scarves, raffia hats in summer and sparkling earings... And don't forget to check out our great selection of handbags, purses and print bedspreads!

The world music you hear is for sale too. We have 90 titles of CD's from around the world, all of which are guaranteed to make you feel good.


Piramide Clothing Company introduces its own label of Batik clothing from Bali, Indonesia! 

We have great styles for both men and women.

As always Piramide features Eco-friendly, fair trade clothing.


E-mail: piramidenf@msn.com

Web Site Created and Maintained by:
Troy Allen Photography & Design
