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Hildebran Auction Company
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Hildebran Auction Company is a full service auction company serving the unifour area of North Carolina since 1990. We sell real estate, conduct estate auctions, antique auctions, business liquidations, farm equipment auctions and perform certified personal property appraisals. Owner, Wade Hildebran, NCAL 4987 - NCREL 135128, is a member of the National Auctioneers Association, Auctioneer's Association of North Carolina and Certified Appraisers Guild of America. He has a MBA from Appalachian State University & 30 years of experience as a marketing instructor. He is assisted in auctioning by Dennis Whitener, NCAL 7348 and Jason West, NCAL 9135. Hildebran Auction Company has an excellent, knowledgeable and trained staff that takes pride in making each auction a success & a history of satisfied clients and buyers.

Dennis Whitener NCAL 7348

Wade Hildebran
NCAL 4987 NCFL 8118

Jason West
NCAL 9135



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