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Welcome to Corbin Chiropractic Clinic!

(What is Chiropractic?)

Corbin Chiropractic Clinic, located in Renton, WA has been your hometown chiropractic office for more than 25 years. We are in business to provide medication-free, non-invasive health treatments and gentle chiropractic care. Nerve irritation (pinched nerves) can lead to multiple symptoms. To see how your organs and the entire body are affected by the nerves radiating from your spine, click here.

Corbin Chiropractic provides care for people of all ages. The effects of accidents, years of neglect, poor posture, and bad habits will be greatly reduced with the proper care.

Your good health is important to us. We will devote our time and complete attention to your specific needs. Our patients are always surprised when they experience the far-reaching results of chiropractic care.

If you suffer from acute or chronic pain, please don’t wait any longer. Take the first step to feeling better and call us today at (425) 226-6261.

Any of our doctors would be happy to talk with you about your health concerns and how chiropractic care will help you feel better without the side effects of drugs.

Corbin Chiropractic Clinic is a member of:

Washington State Chiropractic Association

International Chiropractors Association (ICA)

Preferred Chiropractic Doctors (PCD)

Care for the Whole Family

spine image

Patient Testimonial

Dr. Corbin,

Just wanted to let you know how great I feel after my adjustment. I appreciate the "no pressure" treatment plan approach. I look forward to my next visit!

Katrina M.

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