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LA_x: Virtual Home Port for USS LOS ANGELES SSN-688

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Dedicated to the show boat of two oceans, the mistress of countless missions, the classiest dame of the deep, the USS LOS ANGELES (SSN 688).

LA-ex is also dedicated to the past crews who breathed life into her and the ones today who remain her beating heart.

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Uniting former & current crew, their families,
 friends, & submarine enthusiasts since 1998.

Lest we forget....

    On December 8th 1941, the citizens of the United States of America learned of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed it "a day of infamy."

Remember Pearl Harbor:
Tell your children and grandchildren about Pearl Harbor. It's important to remember and honor those who died and those who were injured during that "day of infamy". Remember too, those who survived and participated in  America's gallant recovery and eventual triumph in World War II.

Remembering Pearl Harbor for a great perspective.

Women on submarines?
The debate rages  in "LA-ex: Shoot The Breeze".

Related  books on Amazon.com:

At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor by Gordon William Prange, et al.  Published in December 1991. Based on 37 years of massive research and countless interviews.

December 7, 1941: The Day the Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor by Prange, Goldstein, Dillon. The definitive work on Pearl Harbor.

Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor by Robert B. Stinnett. Did FDR and his chief military advisors know about the attack before it came?.

LA-ex.org News

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Updated: Friday, December 08, 2000

Established: March 1, 1998

Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Patrick Shannon Clyde;
3753 Royal Port Rush Drive; Round Rock, Texas 78664  USA.
All rights reserved.

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