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Bad Appraiser List

About This Site

May 7, 2001


the Virus Spreads

Board Member
Report Card

Synonymous: Probable Cause
& Conviction

Complaint Against NCAB Deputy Director

Boardwatch.org is created to assist the efforts of improving the North Carolina Appraisal Board (NCAB). Beyond incompetent and unscrupulous, the current NCAB is becoming little more than a fraud. As incidences of malfeasance accumulate, the NCAB has protected itself from detection and correction through intimidation and coercion of NC real estate appraisers. It also controls the press, the APPRAISEREPORT. Current NCAB strategies include a public relations campaign to correct its developing negative public image. Much more than its image needs correcting.

It is believed there are some worthy individuals at the NCAB who are also very troubled with its performance. However, the NCAB cannot or will not improve itself. Attempts on the part of others to reason with the current NCAB have been rebuffed and dismissed, if addressed at all. This Web site is intended to assist the efforts of others--individuals and organizations--to improve this licensing and regulatory board.

Solutions are better identified and implemented when the existence and nature of problems are recognized and understood by all concerned. The mission of Boardwatch is to inform. It is intended to increase public awareness, particularly among the appraisal community, to further the goal of achieving meaningful and effective reform of the current NCAB.


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