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Director's Message:
Welcome, and thanks for visiting our site. Since coming here in 2002, my goal has been to motivate telecommunicators to continue providing a high level of service, in addition to taking on new responsibilities. Since it's inception in 1993, our agency's workload has grown to include providing dispatch services for nearly every public safety agency in this county, and we outgrew our former space long ago.

Through personnel restructuring, I've been able to appoint supervisors to oversee day-to-day communications center operations, which in turn, allowed me to focus on the very large task of procuring a new facility. That dream has become a reality as we are now operating out of our new facility at the north edge of Hannibal. I'm proud of this agency and our progress thus far, and I know there are great things to come.

-Michael D. Hall, Executive Director

Welcome to our website!

Marion County Emergency Services Dispatch serves as the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for Marion County, Missouri proudly serving over 28,000 citizens. Our team of APCO/EMD Certified Telecommunicators provide a variety of radio and telephone communications for the agencies we serve. Please feel free to check out all areas of this site by using the menu at the left side and top of the screen.




Telecommunicators currently hold the following certifications:

  • State of MO Basic Telecommunicator - APCO/HITS
  • MULES Full Access - MSHP
  • Emergency Medical Dispatch - NAEMD
  • Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation - AHA

Some staff members hold additional certifications such as Communications Training Officer (CTO), Firefighter Basic/I/II, First Responder, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B), and Peace Officer Standards & Training (POST).


We Want Your Feedback

Whether you're a citizen or responder with praise, criticism, or just a concern, we want to hear from you! Click here for more information.

Records Requests

Individuals, organizations, and law firms wishing to request copies of records should do so by calling (573) 221-1121 during normal business hours.

Agencies we serve may request a copy of records (CAD Documents and Audio Recordings) by submitting a Public Safety Records Request form. Click here to download a copy of this form. Please note: This form may only be used by the law enforcement, fire, EMS, or other government agencies we serve. This form is not for requests by any other entity or individual.