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Holy Angels Catholic School - Sidney, Ohio
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Established in 1858, Holy Angels Catholic School is located in the heart of Sidney, Ohio. Since its inception, Holy Angels Parish and our parishoners have been dedicated to providing a Catholic education for their children.

Holy Angels School - Celebrating 150 years For almost 100 years, Holy Angels School housed grades 1 through 12 until 1955 when Holy Angels High School (now Lehman Catholic High School ) was built. Since then, the school has continued its long tradition of providing quality education to students in grades K-8. In 1991, an expansion and renovation occured which provided a separate wing for jr. high students, a computer lab, a science lab and cafeteria.Holy Angels School

With continuous development planning, we are able to offer our students greater resources and an expanded curriculum to help them prepare for the challenges of the 21st century.

Smartboards are used, and our teachers are trained throughout the year to build on the many methods to best utilize this technology. This engages our students in an interactive way with the computer, internet, and textbook lessons.

We have fresh cooked meals in our cafeteria, competitive sports in our gym, and exemplary performances from our chorus, band, and theater. We participate in Patriot’s Pen writing competition, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee and many other learning opportunities are available to the students.















Quick Links

Principal's Corner

2014 - 2015

Registration :
Current Students



HA Activities :
Grandparents' Day
Band Information

Cafeteria :
Lunch Menu
Wellness Policy
Smart Snacks Calculator

Progress Book
2013-14 Handbook
Class Supply List
Tuition Schedule
Tuition Assistance Information

Fundraisers : 
Lehman spirit wear
Lehman T-Shirt
Candy Sale

HA School address