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I, John Hayley, have been operating Power Performance Camps since 2007 and have been a fitness trainer in the area since 2001.

My business is simple, Fitness and Performance Training; individual or group. I can come to your home, office, park or you can train at my studio in Melrose Park. I have tailored camps to suit groups as large as 300 athletes to as little as 5 working mothers. I use a multifaceted and integrated method of training that focuses on the total body. I use equipment such as agility ladders, kettlebells, medicine balls, hurdles and the best equipment of all--the client's own body.

The first thing someone does when they walk into Power Performance is to write down their goals. Whether its weight loss, sports performance enhancement, or running a marathon, you have to be training for something specific. I post all of these goals on the wall of my studio. People LOVE walking up to that little post it and crossing off their goal.

I love to raise the bar and get the most out of people. It makes my day to see the look on someone's face that has surpassed not just their surface expectations, but the deep down doubt that they can accomplish something GREAT!

  • The 63 year old woman who was too fat, tired and weak to get out of the car, who became the woman who ran a half-marathon.
  • The high school baseball player that needed to get faster, who was later selected by the Tampa Bay Rays in the Major League Baseball Draft.
  • The 25 year old football player, who decided to give it one more shot and became the man who lived his dream of playing professional football.
  • The 84 year old man, who 10 days after major open heart surgery, stood up powerfully out of his chair without any assistance.

Keep an eye out for Daddy's "Power Car", as my 3-year-old daughter calls it, as I drive to help others reach their goals.

John Hayley,
President, Power Performance Camps
phone number: 773/620-9015

fitness camp registration            PCCs Power Blog

workout photo          exercise photo          agility photo          balance photo          push ups photo          agility photo         

BLOG      Copyright ©2007 - 2012 POWER PERFORMANCE CAMPS, All rights reserved.
Site design by:  MarvinDog Productions

.asp" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;">g shockマンシリーズなどでスッと痛みなく抜けます. 出演:あばちゃん、伊達氏、マイオニー姐さん <審議概要まとめ> 脈絡が無く、どう先に進むか分からないのが良い. (でもこれは1~2本試しに抜く程度で、あまりやらない方カシオ ゴルフがいいらしいです. カシオ ポップトーン
PPC home button Power Performance Camps button About PPC button In the News button Testimonials button Personal Trainer button


I, John Hayley, have been operating Power Performance Camps since 2007 and have been a fitness trainer in the area since 2001.

My business is simple, Fitness and Performance Training; individual or group. I can come to your home, office, park or you can train at my studio in Melrose Park. I have tailored camps to suit groups as large as 300 athletes to as little as 5 working mothers. I use a multifaceted and integrated method of training that focuses on the total body. I use equipment such as agility ladders, kettlebells, medicine balls, hurdles and the best equipment of all--the client's own body.

The first thing someone does when they walk into Power Performance is to write down their goals. Whether its weight loss, sports performance enhancement, or running a marathon, you have to be training for something specific. I post all of these goals on the wall of my studio. People LOVE walking up to that little post it and crossing off their goal.

I love to raise the bar and get the most out of people. It makes my day to see the look on someone's face that has surpassed not just their surface expectations, but the deep down doubt that they can accomplish something GREAT!

  • The 63 year old woman who was too fat, tired and weak to get out of the car, who became the woman who ran a half-marathon.
  • The high school baseball player that needed to get faster, who was later selected by the Tampa Bay Rays in the Major League Baseball Draft.
  • The 25 year old football player, who decided to give it one more shot and became the man who lived his dream of playing professional football.
  • The 84 year old man, who 10 days after major open heart surgery, stood up powerfully out of his chair without any assistance.

Keep an eye out for Daddy's "Power Car", as my 3-year-old daughter calls it, as I drive to help others reach their goals.

John Hayley,
President, Power Performance Camps
phone number: 773/620-9015

fitness camp registration            PCCs Power Blog

workout photo          exercise photo          agility photo          balance photo          push ups photo          agility photo         

BLOG      Copyright ©2007 - 2012 POWER PERFORMANCE CAMPS, All rights reserved.
Site design by:  MarvinDog Productions