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Dejana Industries AERO East Coast Sweeping American Sweeping Dejana Services

 Dejana Industries, Inc. is the first of the “Family” of companies founded by Peter Dejana, the chairman and chief executive officer, as a landscaping business back in 1962. Over the years the company has grown into a family of affiliated operating companies that provide a broad a array of services throughout the Mid-Atlantic, New England,  Midwest, and as far west as Denver, Colorado.


In its core businesses, the Dejana “Family” of companies holds significant market share both in the services provided nationwide as well as in the immediate geographical area. In concert with its sister companies, it operates one of North America’s largest street sweeping concerns. An affiliated company, Aero Snow Removal, is one of the largest snow removal companies in the world. It also has the distinction of being the most technologically advanced, employing highly sophisticated melters, snow plows and spreaders, many of which are designed and manufactured in its state of the art facility, located in Port Washington, New York.  Aero Snow Removal operates in 7 states and at 9 of the nation’s largest airports. It also provides services to cities, towns, villages, seaports and sports complexes and shopping malls.


As other business opportunities have presented themselves the Dejana “Family” of companies has branched out into providing additional services including catch basin cleaning, solid waste collection and removal, sanitary sewer cleaning and treatment, equipment rentals and real estate development.


Each affiliated company operates with a good deal of autonomy as distinct and separate units with independent local management. The local management reports to the principal executive who works out of Dejana’s headquarters.


Corporate Summary


Dejana Industries, Inc. and its affiliates are privately owned municipal services companies headquartered in Port Washington, New York. The Dejana “family” of companies shares a common ownership and management structure that contracts with Atrium Management Services, Inc. which, in turn, provides all corporate service needs including: corporate leadership, financing, insurance etc. Dejana Industries, Inc. provides street sweeping, catch basin cleaning, snow removal, solid waste collection and disposal, plus miscellaneous services for both municipal and commercial customers in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Illinois.


East Coast Sweeping, Inc was incorporated in Maryland in 1990; it provides street sweeping, catch basin cleaning, glycol recovery and snow removal throughout Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Through one of its divisions, it also provides snow removal services at Dulles International Airport and Baltimore-Washington International Airport.



American Sweeping Company, Inc. was incorporated in Massachusetts in 1991 and provides street sweeping, catch basin cleaning, and snow removal services to various municipalities in the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Included among its customer base are the City of Boston, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and the City of Providence.


Aero Snow Removal Corp. provides snow removal and snow melting services at various airports throughout the country.


Tech Leasing is responsible for leasing and selling equipment. It is also a registered New York State dealership.


Title to its real estate holdings is held by multiple limited liability companies.