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Welcome to Eden Art! I am a natural science illustrator specializing in descriptive species portaits, the communication of scientific concepts through visuals and the production of high-quality reproductions, including cards, prints and clothing. I bring an academic background in biology and over 15 years experience with a range of clients and projects to my work.My aim is to illuminate the beauty of the natural world and to inspire the protection of species and ecosystems. Please enjoy perusing the images here and feel free to contact me with questions or comments. I am currently available for contract work and commissions. Thank you for your visit! ~??Tamara Clark


Niger Giraffe

Short-eared Owl

Peacock Butterfly

for purchase of reproductions:

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Redbubble offers greeting cards, posters, matted and framed prints and clothing.

Buy my art at ImageKind.com.

Imagekind offers a wide range of print sizes, matting and framing options for high-quality printing.

Upcoming EVENTS

The Old Vicarage, King's Somborne
Sunday, June 8

Saturday, July 26

Cover Illustration for The Biological Bulletin, May 2013 issue, focusing on Blue Crab biology. Logo design for Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting, Boston 2011.

Educational handout for the conservation oriented Bee Palace, a nesting home for solitary bees in the garden. Developed by Nick Edmond and Duncan Green, Hampshire, UK. Logo and icons for the Encyclopedia of Life LifeDesks. LifeDesks are dynamic web environments that make the online management and sharing of biodiversity research easier than ever.
Dungeness Crab Print featured in House Beautiful Magazine (June, 2011). Living room design by Lindsay Reid. Order Print >>


Encyclopedia of Life Smithsonian
TEDx Woods Hole Marine Biological
Winchester Cathedral

"Whenever we try to isolate anything in nature, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe."?? --??John Muir

Images are ?? Tamara Clark, all rights reserved by the artist unless otherwise noted.
Please do not reproduce without permission. Contact info@tamaraclark.com for re-use. Web design and development by Tamara Clark
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