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Schwarzberg & Associates
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Downtown West Palm Beach
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Schwarzberg & Associates is a litigation boutique focused on employment law compliance and defense, complex commercial litigation, intellectual property litigation, probate litigation, construction litigation, marital and family law, real estate litigation, healthcare litigation and education law. We are located in the Phillips Point Building in downtown West Palm Beach.
The firm represents a wide range of private companies throughout Florida and the Florida interests of major out-of-state and publicly-traded corporations, as well as educational establishments and high-net worth individuals. We rely upon our legal abilities, developed from decades of hard work and consistent effort focused on trying to achieve our clients' goals. Our entrepreneurial management style rewards efficiency and teamwork.

We have been significant and active contributors to various civic, political and community causes, both as a firm and as individuals. Our clients may benefit from the relationships we have developed over the years and consistently maintained. Our attorneys have leadership roles on boards, committees and other charitable and civic organizations.

Whether in court, in negotiations, in the boardroom, or dealing with government, we pride ourselves on our dedication to the needs of our clients.
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