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Color Spectrum Graphics art
Beauty is fascinating when is abstract. Everyone is beautiful when looked at through the mask of physical appearance. Realize your inner beauty by inviting people to see your personality...Visit Color Spectrum Photography  Graphics art  page.

Color Spectrum Low light photography
Taking a step deeper into the darkness of the world of night photography will bring a new 
set of challenges. Let's remind ourselves of the fact that the exact amount of light for correct exposure, for a given film speed depends on the aperture opening and the time period during which the shutter remains open. At night, the available light is 
much less than what we get during bright daylight or when the sun is rising or setting. Hence, usually the shutter needs to remain open in the order of seconds...Unleash your imagination by Visiting  Color Spectrum Photography.




??? 2004 All rights to photos on this site are reserved - Color  Spectrum Photograph y.

Color Spectrum Photography Basics
The key to taking good photographs is selecting a subject and understanding the principals 
behind the operation of the equipment and materials you use to produce 
photographs. There are four major components in photography: subject, camera, light, and film...Visit Color Spectrum Photography Basics page.


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Color Spectrum Photography invites you to read articles on how to take better pictures of a variety of subjects and settings...visit galleries of scenic, portrait, travel, and digital photography.