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Ottawa Wine Making Make Your Own Wine Wine Store Custom Wines Wine Making Hobby Wine Storage Oak Barrel Wine Aging

Welcome to The Wine Bottega.

The Wine Bottega is an Ottawa family owned and operated wine making business where wine lovers can enjoy the friendly, personal service when making his/her favorite wine.

This wine boutique offers all the modern conveniences that make your wine-making experiences easy and most enjoyable.

The Wine Bottega also offers many different wine accessories to compliment those occasions when a bottle of wine is enjoyed amongst good friends.

If you have never experienced making your own wine before, the Wine Bottega is probably the place for you. With our many years of wine making experience we will assist you with every step along the way.

Wedding Wines


Featured on CTV

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Oak Barreling

The Wine Bottega is pleased to offer its customers the ability to age their wine in oak barrels.

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Limited Edition

Limited Release

Available now while
quantities last

What Our Client says...

pictureMy wife and I have been going to The Wine Bottega for about 5 years now. You will not meet anyone more friendly and helpful than Al, his sons and all the staff at Wine Bottega. Whether you are new at wine making or an experienced connoisseur, they are always there to help and answer any questions you may have."
- Jean Labelle

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