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Montage of shop and gifts

A Little Piece of Heaven at the foot of Cader Idris
Design-led gifts made in Wales, France, Scandinavia and the USA.

Established by Welsh actress, author and designer Nia Medi. Nia worked on the design team of the
makeover programme Real Rooms for BBC Pebble Mill for a few years, and her eye for detail,
creativity and style is written all over her quirky little shop. Situated in an oak-beamed listed building
in the old market town of Dolgellau in mid-Wales.

Specialising in wonderful shabby-chic, vintage and hand-made items for you and your home:
??? Rag rugs ??? wirework ??? enamelware ??? china ??? earthenware ??? jewellery ??? cards ??? quilts ??? soft toys ???
??? birth and baby christening gifts ??? Shaker kitchen-ware ??? linens ??? cushions ???
and much, much more...

Image of the shop

Stockists Of
??? Gisella Graham ??? Tom Gloster ??? Melin Tregwynt ??? Maileg ???
??? Inch Blue ??? Angelic hen ??? Scandi-chic ??? Tatiri ??? Coach House Antiques ???
??? Kate Hamilton-Hunter ??? East of India ???
and many more.....

And Above the Shop...
HYB Bunkhouse

Four rooms, Sleeping 16.
Ideal for Coed y Brenin, Cycling,Walking and Cader Idris.
??20.00 pp per night. Free Private Parking at Rear
Phone 01341 421755 or e-mail Medi to book

Medi on Facebook